Monday 29 January 2007

should homosexuality adopt children?

It has been nearly one century since homosexuality has become acceptable in western society. However, many religions and cultural practices deem homosexuality as a crime and sin. Deciding who should adopt children is a matter of choosing couples with the capability, responsibility, needed for a stable, nurturing upbringing of children. Homosexual couples of being able to adopt children is a very controversial issue and has become an important area of the les-gay rights debate in many countries like the United States, Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Iceland. However, many people claim that this is the issue of equality and there is the equality act due to come into force in UK in April, outlaws discrimination in the provision of goods, facilities and services on the basis of sexual orientation but there are several adoption agencies in UK run by catholic stating that they will not consider application from homosexual couples because its against church. However, individual in every society should be equally treated despite their beliefs and personally I’m not against the homosexuality. In addition, homosexual couples want if they want to adopt children this is their personal choice , I think that as long as they are capable of providing support for children both financially and emotionally specially, those children who are orphan he or she is really well taken care of.

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